Going green with Gunston

After many years as Mason’s notorious green and fuzzy mascot, Gunston’s newest role with the university has the familiar figure championing a new cause in front of a new audience.

The cause is sustainability and the audience is elementary school students.

Gunston visits elementary schools at least once per week to talk sustainability with youth. “She [Gunston] is a giant muppet, so she can appeal to kids and also bring a message that will resonate with them,” said university spokesperson Dan Walsch.

“Go Green With Gunston,” is the mantra she brings to elementary schools in the area. Students can visit Gunston’s interactive website to get tips on “going green,” color pictures, and send her a message.

According to Walsch, the “Go Green with Gunston” program has won national awards and Gunston was even asked to give a presentation at the Smithsonian.

Gunston’s older fans will be happy to know the university is planning to reintroduce Gunston on campus also, starting next semester.

“We are looking to expand Gunston’s role internally to promote recycling,” Walsch said. “We will be reintroducing Gunston next semester.”

Newer members of the Mason community don’t have history with Gunston so the recycling gig will be a first introduction for those students, Walsch said.

Until then, December Diversion anyone?

>> More George Goodness: Connect2Mason will continue to celebrate Mason's birthday throughout the week with special George Mason themed content, as well as participate in the George Mason's 285th Birthday Celebration party on Thursday. The event, sponsored by the Office of Student Media as well as other university partners, will have games, prizes and birthday cake, and feature guest speakers such as GMU President Alan Merten.

The event will be from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and will be in the Patriot’s Lounge of Student Union Building I.

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