Kristie Colorado's statement

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Connect2Mason reached out to Kristie Colorado, chairman of the George Mason College Republicans, regarding the situation and her involvement in the Election and Dispute Commission's decision to remove Michael DeMatteo from candidacy for Student Body President.

Her statement, recieved in an email on the night April 6, is posted in it's entirety below:


As the chairman of the George Mason College Republicans I would like to set the record straight and let people know that the opinions are of my own and do not reflect the opinions of my board or other members of the GMUCRs.


First of all, the only reason why I wrote the second grievance is because Michael DeMatteo threatened me for not showing up to the first grievance hearing because I had a mandatory meeting with one of my academic honor societies. He brought this issue upon himself and falsely claimed that Republican Party officials contacted him about this matter.


I did not do this to ruin his campaign or defame his image. I just wanted an apology and he told me that we could of settled this without the EDC, but he fueled his own fire by communicating with me in this improper and unethical way.  


Michael DeMatteo claimed I did this because I had a personal grievance against him dating back to the days when he was the former GMUCR Chairman. He was impeached in fall 2010 and I took over for the spring semester.


The only defense he presented to the hearing was that he was “cool, calm, and collected.” Yet, does a “cool, calm, and collected” person call others profane names and threaten to “rail” them “out of uni[versity] life?” Last time I checked, this is a “no” and how would you all feel about a person like this running student affairs at George Mason?


I am doing this for the good of the student population because someone had to put a crucial check on this matter.




Kristie Colorado





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