In Bed with Billy

In Bed with Billy: A Letter from the Other Side of the Bed

As my foster mother has always told me, “There are always three sides to a story: the stories from both parties involved, and then the truth, which usually lies somewhere in between.”

I am writing this column because I know that I am not the first to be in this situation, and I am even more certain that I will not be the last.

As my column has been there to help others get through the trying relationships and sexual disasters of their past and present, it has also hurt some.

In Bed with Billy: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

We all remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, and we all know the outcome. It seems as though the older we get, the faster time goes by. This may simply be because time tends to move quickly in and of itself, or it could also be the sheer fact that as we age, we begin to move more slowly. We are stuck in life as hares. but, unfortunately, age doesn’t allow us to stay that way.

In Bed with Billy: The Life Lessons of Commitment

In life we are constantly challenged — challenged to do the right thing, to keep moving forward, to continue to better ourselves. Yet through all of this, we remain steadfast, we remain adamant and we remain committed to our goals as well as to ourselves. We remain committed to the truth, our truth, whatever that may be.

­In Bed With Billy Little Bits of History Repeating

Twenty year olds are stupid; with their naivety of everlasting life and the belief that their driving is absolutely the best, even though they manage to rack up more tickets than the elderly, they think they know it all. “Why do I have the right to say this,” you ask? The answer is that three years ago, I was one of them.

The truth is, knowledge literally does come and is learned through experience. No one is very experienced at the age of 20 — we do what we want, ignore our schoolwork and party, maybe even a little too much.

­In Bed With Billy Go Long, Go Strong

Men have always been obsessed with their penises – their size, shape and even their capabilities to function properly. Freud, among others, made many inquiries and theories regarding the penis, and then there is my personal favorite to witness: the male preoccupation with size that can be seen with every moron driving a Hummer or big SUV to compensate for their lack of height . . . or rather length.

The Trauma and the Ecstasy

By Billy Curtis, Sex Columnist

A great woman once said, “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.”
Though that woman may be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the point still stands – life is hard. It seems that as time continues to pass so rapidly in this world, the odds of some disaster occurring to you will rise.

In Bed with Billy: What Can Anal Sex Do for You?

By Billy Curtis, Sex Columnist

For scores, centuries and even millennia, women have been letting themselves be engaged in an act that is not only unnatural to their body, but painful when improperly experienced. I’ve always wondered why girls let their boyfriends, or just guys in general, do this to them.

In Bed with Billy

Experience and Reason:  The Age of Enlightenment

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

In the earlier years, many philosophers believed that in order to find the absolute truth in this world one had to doubt everything, question everything, and eventually a person would—through experience and reason—find the pure truth they were looking for. This way of thinking can also be applied to dating.

In Bed With Billy: The Top 10 Men You Need To Avoid

By Broadside Sex Columnist Billy Curtis

There are 10 things I will most definitely hate about you. There are more than 10 things that most likely everyone would hate about everyone. Bad kisser, over-talkative, vain; the list could go on and on for hours, maybe even days. Luckily, most of us know what we want, and what we clearly need to stay away from when we’re looking for a partner. Sadly still, there are some who would, could, and shouldn’t believe that these types of men can change, and end up making you happy for the rest of your life.

These tragic attempts of contempt are sad stories to watch, let alone hear about. We’ve all encountered at least one of these 10 rejects that somehow manage to rule our lives at some point. Though, with every encounter we manage to grow and become stronger people. For those of you who have never been lucky enough to have your heart broken or your world turned upside down by one of these pitiful fools, take this as a warning to stay away and notice the warning signs. Let the countdown begin: