
Mason students continue to find mold in dorms

In December, George Mason University dealt with students’ concerns about mold growth in some of the Fairfax campus dormitories.

Although Mason’s Office of Housing and Residence Life attempted to resolve mold growth in the dorms, some students are still experiencing issues with mold.

One resident of Commonwealth Hall, who wished to remain anonymous, reported mold growing in her bathroom in December. Over winter break, she said, the university attempted to remove the mold.

“They got a lot of it, but there is still more,” she said.

First looks at Mason's newest housing: Rogers and Whitetop [VIDEO]

Construction is complete, doors are open and students now occupy the Fairfax campus's two newest residence halls. Connect2Mason took a look at the new housing (and student reactions) at the beginning of the spring semester.

Mason named residential campus

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has officially named George Mason University as a "primarily residential" campus. In order to be considered as primarily residential, 25 to 49 percent of undergraduates must live in campus housing.