Funds are Fried Day kicks off

The first annual “Funds are Fried Day” kicked off on Wednesday offering students, alumni and faculty a chance to learn more about the importance of private donations to Mason.

The Office of Annual Giving sponsored the event which helped educate people on the impact of private philanthropy at the university and gave students an opportunity to donate money to different causes at Mason.

Typically around March 10 (or 57 percent of the school year) is when all the tuition money paid by students is used up. After the tuition money is spent, state funding and private philanthropy money is used to fund student’s education.

“Not many people realize the impact of private philanthropy,” said Nell Nutaitis the interim director of Annual Giving.

Nutaitis said many universities are sponsoring events that educate students on the importance of private donations, but Mason’s is uniquely named “Funds are Fried Day.”

There were free funnel cakes available and students had a chance to donate money to different Mason organizations including university libraries, general scholarships, and university and student life.

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