What are you thankful for? [ENTRIES IN - VOTE NOW!]

Take a pause, George Mason University Patriots: What are you thankful for?

Connect2Mason wants to know, and in the spirit of the season, we're holding a contest to find out. All it takes is a creative photo with a one-word caption, and the winner of the contest will get $100 donated to his or her charity of choice. 

Entries are in. Thank you for participating. Now it's time to vote!

Below are the top 5 entries, as selected by C2M staff. Vote for your favorite below, and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, Nov. 24.

The poll to vote is at the bottom of the page.

Entry #1 - "MUSIC"

Entry #2 - "CHANGE"

Entry #3 - "FREEDOM"

Entry #4 - "SUPPORT"

Entry #5 - "BROTHERS"


***Note: We're having difficulty with the pop-up message that says "Vote submitted. Thanks!" Don't worry though-- if you clicked an option and clicked "Submit Vote!", your vote has indeed been added to the tally.



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