Giving Mason Some Space: October Course

By Broadside Correspondent Gordon Day

As America is increasingly strengthening its role as a leader in Aeronautic and Space related technologies, the vision of space is brought closer to home. To this end, George Mason University is hosting its fifth annual “The U.S. Government Space Sector.”

Between Oct. 14 and 16 at the School of Public Policy, Mason will partner with the American Astronautical Society and the Space Foundation to offer a short course on the departments and agencies involved with U.S. space programs.

The two-and-a-half day course will primarily focus on interactions between various governmental space agencies, departments and space-oriented NGOs. Participants would gain an understanding of how the U.S. government involves itself in astronautical activities.

Speakers from the administration, Congress, academia and the private sector will demonstrate the government’s access to space and its capabilities thereof. The course was primarily developed for those interested in the space field, whether civil servant, military personnel or civilian.

Registration and full details on the program will be available online at here.

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