Top 5 auto-tuned videos [DECEMBER DIVERSION]

Who doesn’t love auto-tune? Especially when there are finals to study for!

For Connect2Mason's third December Diversion, we've collected our top five favorite auto-tuned YouTube videos featuring everyone from a one man band to a lady who wanted coffee and found herself in the middle of a robbery.

And of course, we couldn’t forget some classic auto-tuned news.

1) Backin up news report and auto-tuned song

Who knew an armed robbery would turn into a funny video?

2) Antoine Dodson’s auto-tuned public service announcement
Just about everyone has seen this classic YouTube hit, but it’s always worth a second look.

3) Mike Tompkin’s Dynamite cover
Mike Tompkins recreates this song using just his voice and a flashback to the Brady Bunch boxes.

4) Auto-tuned news summer 2009
Who doesn’t like remembering the headlines of 2009 with an auto-tuned song?

5) Charlie Bit Me Auto-tuned
Everyone remembers Charlie and his famous chompers, but now the scene is auto-tuned.

>> Got an auto-tuned video that didn't make our top five? Spread the love and leave the link below in the comments.

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