Ramy Zabarah

A Dirty Word No More: Confidence on Display at This Year’s Vagina Monologues

“Vagina” — the word is taboo, yet when used in the right context, so intriguing. For most people, it’s an evil-sounding word. It’s unsettling, upsetting and inappropriate. Heck, one might even wince at the sound of it. Despite this social bias, the women in last weekend’s performance of The Vagina Monologues at George Mason University broke through that awkward shell and put on a spectacular show.

Comedians Get Edgy at Mason’s Komedy Jam

The Johnson Center Cinema filled up on Thursday night as students rushed to find seats and prepare for a night of laughter. Although full of audacity and risk, the show was definitely not a disappointment. What started out as a cloud of noise as students socialized waiting for the show to begin, quickly turned to applause followed by silence while the first comedian, Arvin Mitchell, was introduced.

Apple’s Newest Gadget iPad Hits Stores in May

Attention all Mac-heads! Like your MacBook? Can’t go an hour without playing with your iPhone? As I’m sure you’ve already heard, a new flower is emerging from the very fruitful garden of Apple, Inc.

On Wednesday, Jan. 27, Steve Jobs and the rest of the Apple crew held a conference in San Fransisco, Calif. to unveil their latest product, the iPad.
After weeks of speculation as to the actual existence of Apple’s new mysterious product, the announcement was finally made, and the iPad will be in stores toward the end of May.

Contra Breaks New Ground Vampire Weekend’s Sophomore Album Delivers the Goods

Since their sudden appearance in 2008, Vampire Weekend has been one of the more unique bands in the indie rock scene.

Their self-titled debut album brought them the popularity such a group could only dream of having, especially considering New York City has no dearth of local indie bands. And with popularity comes great responsibility.