WGMU Top Albums: Week of October 13

Compiled by WGMU Music Director Lars Garvey Laing-Peterson

Here are the top albums played on WGMU for the week of October 13.

# Artist - "Album"

1. Goldfinger - "Hello Destiny"
2. "Juno" (Original Soundtrack)
3. Whitley - "The Submarine"
4. Mercury Rev - "Snowflake Midnight"
5. TV on the Radio - "Dear Science"
6. Subways - "All Or Nothing"
7. Weezer - "Weezer (Red Album)"
8. Oasis - "The Shock of the Lighting" (Single)*
9. N.E.R.D. - "Seeing Sounds"
10. Rise Against - "Appeal to Reason"

* - The full Oasis album, "Dig Out Your Soul" just went down to the WGMU DJs

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