6 Albus Dumbledore quotes to motivate you during finals week

Fourth Estate wishes all a successful finals week with a few altered, wise words from a wizard (photo courtesy of flickr.com/Drista Ke La Rosa).
Fourth Estate wishes all a successful finals week with a few altered, wise words from a wizard (photo courtesy of flickr.com/Drista Ke La Rosa).

With the occasional finals oriented tweaking, the following quotes should be able to motivate even the most woebegone student to academic excellence during the upcoming finals week.

Also, Puppies.


Source: mugglenet.com


1. “It does not do to dwell on [finals] and forget to live."

Source: hubspot.com

2. "It’s the unknown we fear when we look upon [finals], nothing more.”Source: kym-cdn.com

3. "It is important to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can [finals] be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated."

Source: weknowgifs.com


4. “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

Source: cdn.arwath.com


5. "Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself."

Source: imgur.com


6. “To the well organized mind, [finals are] but the next great adventure."

Source: tumblr.com


Bonus: For those dealing with group projects:


"Ah, Harry, how often this happens, even between the best of friends! Each of us believes that what he has to say is much more important than anything the other might have to contribute!"

Source: carlafischerschwartz.wordpress.com


Happy Finals Week, Everyone!

Source: tumblr.com


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